# Code
You can download the whole code folder here (opens new window).
# Indexing
# add_addresses.py (opens new window)
import json
import sys
import gc
block_id = None
txid_index = 0
vout_index = 0
item_number = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
# Check block order
assert(block_id==None or block["height"]==block_id+1)
block_id = block["height"]
for tx in block["tx"]:
for vout in tx["vout"]:
assert("scriptPubKey" in vout)
assert("asm" in vout["scriptPubKey"])
# If pubkey: create "addresses" field and put the pubkey inside
if vout["scriptPubKey"]["type"] == "pubkey":
assert("addresses" not in vout["scriptPubKey"])
asm = vout["scriptPubKey"]["asm"].split(" ")
pubKey = asm[0]
vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"] = [pubKey]
# addresses in non nulldata or nonstandard vout assertion
if vout["scriptPubKey"]["type"] != "nulldata":
if vout["scriptPubKey"]["type"] != "nonstandard":
assert("addresses" in vout["scriptPubKey"])
sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(block) + "\n")
# make_list.py (opens new window)
import json
import sys
import gc
txid_index = 0
vout_index = 0
item_number = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
for tx in block["tx"]:
# Count tx
sys.stdout.write(str(item_number) + " " + tx["txid"] + " " + str(txid_index) + "\n")
txid_index += 1
item_number += 1
# Count non coinbase vins
for vin in tx["vin"]:
if "txid" in vin:
sys.stdout.write(str(item_number) + " " + vin["txid"] + "\n")
item_number += 1
vin_id = vin["txid"] + "," + str(vin["vout"])
sys.stdout.write(str(item_number) + " " + vin_id + "\n")
item_number += 1
# Count vouts
for vout in tx["vout"]:
vout_id = tx["txid"] + "," + str(vout["n"])
sys.stdout.write(str(item_number) + " " + vout_id + " " + str(vout_index) + "\n")
vout_index += 1
item_number += 1
# Count addresses
if "addresses" in vout["scriptPubKey"]:
for address in vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"]:
sys.stdout.write(str(item_number) + " " + address + "\n")
item_number += 1
#StdErr monitoring
sys.stderr.write("block " + str(block["height"]) + ": " + str(item_number) + " items\n")
# get_addresses.py (opens new window)
import sys
import json
item_number = 0
# Blocks
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
# Transactions
for tx in block["tx"]:
# Vouts
for vout in tx["vout"]:
if "scriptPubKey" in vout:
if "addresses" in vout["scriptPubKey"]:
for address in vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"]:
sys.stdout.write(str(address) + " " + str(item_number) + "\n")
item_number += 1
#StdErr monitoring
sys.stderr.write("block " + str(block["height"]) + ", " + str(item_number) + " items\n")
# list_translate.py (opens new window)
import sys
nb_done = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
l = line.strip().split()
assert(len(l) in [2,3])
if len(l)==3:
index = l[2]
if l[0] != '-1':
sys.stdout.write(l[0] + " " + index + "\n")
nb_done += 1
if nb_done % 1000000 == 0:
sys.stderr.write(str(nb_done / 100000) + " million(s) lines processed.\n")
sys.stderr.write(str(nb_done) + " lines processed.\nFinished.\n")
# json_translate.py (opens new window)
import sys
import json
import gzip
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type=str, help="Specify index file", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
index_file = gzip.open(args.file,"r")
previous_occurrence = None
def next_index():
global previous_occurrence
l = index_file.readline().strip().split()
occurrence,index = int(l[0]),int(l[1])
if previous_occurrence != None:
previous_occurrence = occurrence
nb_blocks,nb_vouts,nb_addresses,nb_txids = 0,0,0,0
item_number = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
nb_blocks = block["height"]+1
for tx in block["tx"]:
tx["index"] = next_index()
item_number += 1
nb_txids = max(nb_txids,tx["index"]+1)
for vin in tx["vin"]:
if "txid" in vin:
vin["txid_index"] = next_index()
item_number += 1
nb_txids = max(nb_txids,vin["txid_index"]+1)
vin["index"] = next_index()
item_number += 1
nb_vouts = max(nb_vouts,vin["index"]+1)
for vout in tx["vout"]:
vout["index"] = next_index()
item_number += 1
nb_vouts = max(nb_vouts,vout["index"]+1)
if "addresses" in vout["scriptPubKey"]:
addresses_index = []
for address in vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"]:
item_number += 1
nb_addresses = max(nb_addresses,addresses_index[-1]+1)
vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses_index"] = addresses_index
sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(block) + "\n")
sys.stderr.write("{\"blocks\": %d, \"vouts\": %d, \"addresses\": %d, \"txids\": %d}\n"%(nb_blocks,nb_vouts,nb_addresses,nb_txids))
# get_indexes.py (opens new window)
import sys
import json
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
block_id = str(block["height"])
for tx in block["tx"]:
if tx["index"]==i_txids:
f_txids.write("%d %s\n"%(i_txids,tx["txid"]))
for vout in tx["vout"]:
if "index" in vout and "n" in vout and vout["index"]==i_tios:
f_tios.write("%d %s\n"%(i_tios,tx["txid"]+','+str(vout["n"])))
if "index" in vout and "scriptPubKey" in vout and "addresses_index" in vout["scriptPubKey"]:
for i in range(len(vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses_index"])):
if vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses_index"][i]==i_addresses:
f_addresses.write("%d %s\n"%(i_addresses,vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses"][i]))
i_addresses += 1
sys.stderr.write("block "+block_id+"\n")
for f in f_txids,f_tios,f_addresses:
# Distillation
# distillation_addresses.py (opens new window)
import sys
import json
sizes = json.loads(sys.stdin.readline())
v_addresses = [[]]*sizes["vouts"]
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
block_id = str(block["height"])
timestamp = str(block["time"])
for tx in block["tx"]:
sys.stdout.write(block_id+" "+timestamp)
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(tx["index"]))
in_addresses = set()
for vin in tx["vin"]:
if "index" in vin:
v_addresses[vin["index"]] = None
out_addresses = set()
for vout in tx["vout"]:
if "index" in vout and "scriptPubKey" in vout and "addresses_index" in vout["scriptPubKey"]:
v_addresses[vout["index"]] = vout["scriptPubKey"]["addresses_index"]
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(len(in_addresses)))
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(len(out_addresses)))
for a in in_addresses:
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(a))
for a in out_addresses:
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(a))
sys.stderr.write("block "+block_id+"\n")
# distillation_amounts.py (opens new window)
import sys
import json
sizes = json.loads(sys.stdin.readline())
v_amount = [-1]*sizes["vouts"]
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
block_id = str(block["height"])
timestamp = str(block["time"])
prefix=block_id+" "+timestamp+" "
for tx in block["tx"]:
assert("vin" in tx and "vout" in tx and "index" in tx)
for vin in tx["vin"]:
if "index" in vin:
nb_in += 1
nb_out = len(tx["vout"])
sys.stdout.write("%d %d %d"%(tx["index"],nb_in,nb_out))
for vin in tx["vin"]:
assert("index" in vin or "coinbase" in vin)
if "index" in vin:
sys.stdout.write(" %d"%v_amount[vin["index"]])
v_amount[vin["index"]] = -1
for vout in tx["vout"]:
assert("index" in vout)
assert("value" in vout)
v_amount[vout["index"]] = int(round(vout["value"]*10**8))
sys.stdout.write(" %d"%v_amount[vout["index"]])
sys.stderr.write("block "+block_id+"\n")
# distillation_tios.py (opens new window)
import sys
import json
sizes = json.loads(sys.stdin.readline())
for line in sys.stdin:
block = json.loads(line)
block_id = str(block["height"])
timestamp = str(block["time"])
for tx in block["tx"]:
sys.stdout.write(block_id+" "+timestamp)
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(tx["index"]))
in_tios = []
for vin in tx["vin"]:
if "index" in vin:
out_tios = []
for vout in tx["vout"]:
if "index" in vout:
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(len(in_tios)))
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(len(out_tios)))
for a in in_tios:
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(a))
for a in out_tios:
sys.stdout.write(" "+str(a))
sys.stderr.write("block "+block_id+"\n")
# Application : address clustering
# Heuristic
# heuristic.py (opens new window)
# Builds the graph of addresses connected if they appear together as input of a same transaction.
# Input format: each line represents a transaction as follows:
# num_block block_timestamp num_transaction nb_addresses_in nb_addresses_out addresses_in addresses_out
# where addresses_in is a sequence of nb_addresses_in distinct addresses, and addresses_out a sequence of nb_addresses_out distinct addresses
# Output: a sequence of lines, each representing a link of the form "a b i o" meaning that addresses a and b are input addresses of a transaction with i input addresses and o output addresses.
# Not all possible such links are written as output, but enough to ensure that all input addresses are connected through a path (sequence of links).
# Redundant links may appear.
# Note: several strategies are possible for linking addresses together, that have an impact on graph structure and so on computations on this graph.
# Example: if input is:
# x x 1 2 1 a b c
# y y 2 3 2 d e b f g
# then a valid output is:
# a b 2 1
# d e 3 2
# d b 3 2
# and another valid output is:
# a b 2 1
# d e 3 2
# e b 3 2
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
tr = line.split()
[nb_in,nb_out] = [int(tr[i]) for i in (3,4)]
in_addresses = tr[5:5+nb_in]
# variant: sort addresses to increase redundancy?
# in_addresses.sort()
# first approach: link the first address to all others
for a in in_addresses[1:]:
sys.stdout.write("%s %s %d %d\n"%(in_addresses[0],a,nb_in,nb_out))
# second approach: builds a linear path between addresses
# for i in range(nb_in-1):
# sys.stdout.write("%s %s %d %d\n"%(in_addresses[i],in_addresses[i+1],nb_in,nb_out))
# Union-Find
# union-find-clusters.py (opens new window)
import sys
import argparse
# reads lines of the form "u v i o" meaning that u and v are in the same clusters;
# discards lines with a given value for i and o above a given threshold
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-n", "--nodes", type=int, help="maximal node index", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-i", "--max_in", type=int, help="maximal number of input nodes; 0 if no limit", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-o", "--max_out", type=int, help="maximal number of output nodes; 0 if no limit", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
n,max_in,max_out = args.nodes,args.max_in,args.max_out
sys.stderr.write("%d nodes, max_in %d, max_out %d\n"%(n,max_in,max_out))
def union(x,y):
if x!=y:
S[x] = y
def find(x):
y = x
while S[x] != x:
x = S[x]
while S[y] != x: # path compression
(S[y],y) = (x,S[y])
return x
S = list(range(n))
sys.stderr.write(" done.\n")
sys.stderr.write("build clusters...")
for line in sys.stdin:
l = line.strip().split()
[u,v,nb_in,nb_out] = [int(x) for x in l]
assert(u>=0 and v>=0 and u<n and v<n and nb_in>=0 and nb_out>=0 and nb_in<=n and nb_out<=n)
if (max_in==0 or nb_in <= max_in) and (max_out==0 or nb_out <= max_out):
sys.stderr.write(" done.\n")
sys.stderr.write("output results...")
sys.stdout.write("# node_id cluster_number\n")
nb_clusters = 0
clusters = {}
for i in range(n):
c = find(i)
if c not in clusters:
clusters[c] = nb_clusters
nb_clusters += 1
sys.stdout.write("%d %d\n"%(i,clusters[c]))
sys.stderr.write(" done.\n")